Application Overview
STEP 1: Complete Online Application & Packet
Click specific job type below to see requirements:
(Teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, Substitute Teachers)
(Aides, Maintenance, Transportation, Food Service, Custodial, IT, Office, Non-instructional Substitutes, Paid Coaches)
(Principals, Assistant Principals, STC Administrators)
STEP 2: Complete Testing (if applicable)
Complete applicable testing requirements as identified on a job description.
STEP 3: Confirm Status
Contact the Human Resources Department to confirm application status. Phone (941) 927-JOBS (5627).
STEP 4: View job postings then submit interest
Follow online instructions to submit interest to specific job postings.
All submitted documents will become part of your permanent file and will not be deleted.
Reasonable accommodations are available for persons with disabilities to complete the application and/or interview process. Applicants or individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may contact the district’s Employee Relations Administrator, Al Harayda by calling (941) 927-9000, ext. 31217, or writing him at 1960 Landings Blvd., Sarasota, Florida 34231. (941) 927-9000, ext. 31217.