Sarasota County, FL, February 27, 2025 – Sarasota County Schools is proud to announce that Mrs. Pamela Schmidt has been selected as the district’s overall 2025 School-Related Employee of the Year. Mrs. Schmidt serves as the Records & Evidence Specialist for the Sarasota County Schools Police Department (SCSPD).
Mrs. Schmidt holds a unique role that is not found in the majority of school districts in Florida – it is even more rare across the country. As the Records & Evidence Specialist, she processes and maintains police records, oversees logs detailing chain of custody for investigative evidence, and ensures all police reports are complete and properly documented, among other advanced clerical duties. Mrs. Schmidt also assists School Resource Officers (SRO) as they collect and process evidence at crime scenes. Additionally, she trains all new SRO hires on the SCSPD’s Records Management System, testifies in court related to chains of custody and evidence identification (as needed), and teaches Crime Scene Investigations to cadets at the Criminal Justice Academy based at Suncoast Technical College.
Mrs. Schmidt has also voluntarily taught the Criminal Justice and Forensics course at Booker High School and routinely offers her expertise as a guest speaker in schools throughout the district. Known for her “unwavering” work ethic, positive attitude, and attention to detail, she is dedicated to preserving the wellbeing and success of all students and continually supports her colleagues’ efforts to do the same through their respective work. Mrs. Schmidt connects with students and families regularly at school events like Trunk or Treat, as well as outreach events within the community such as Shop with a Cop and National Night Out. In her “off” time, she prioritizes maintaining industry credentials and regularly engages in professional learning.
As the award recipient for Sarasota County, Mrs. Schmidt is now eligible for the overall state-level recognition. Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Pamela Schmidt and all of our 2025 School-Related Employees of the Year:
Nominee Name | Location |
Jaime Cope | Alta Vista Elementary School |
Andrew Kujawski | Ashton Elementary School |
Roxann Swantek Williams | Atwater Elementary School |
Arlene Nieves | Bay Haven School of Basics Plus |
Alex Burbano-Jimenez | Booker High School |
Jo Ann Lawson | Booker Middle School |
Julee Santelli | Brentwood Elementary School |
Maida Lara | Brookside Middle School |
Patricia Goldsmith | Chief of Student Services - Academic Intervention Program |
Meredith Clifton | Communications & Government Affairs |
Tami Cooke | Cranberry Elementary School |
Marie Fernandez | Emma E. Booker Elementary School |
Echo Lazorko | Englewood Elementary School |
Brandi Hastie | Exceptional Student Education Services |
Hector Robinson Rodriguez | Facilities Services - Custodial |
Peter Svoboda | Facilities Services - Maintenance |
Engy Hanna | Financial Services |
Jeff Brooks | Food & Nutrition Services |
Tammy Gauntt | Fruitville Elementary School |
Veronica Keller | Garden Elementary School |
Brittany Cox | Glenallen Elementary School |
Jacob Hoermann | Gocio Elementary School |
Brittany Steverson | Gulf Gate Elementary School |
Corruth Johnson | Heron Creek Middle School |
Yolanda Nash | Human Resources |
J McQueen | Information Technology |
Tim Beery | Lakeview Elementary School |
Nicole Bounds | Lamarque Elementary School |
Linette Stiffler | Laurel Nokomis School |
Meredith Carroll | Materials Management |
Lena Walker | McIntosh Middle School |
Nicole Freck | North Port High School |
Kevin D'Angelo | Oak Park School |
Donna Fangman | Phillippi Shores Elementary School |
Faith Kona | Pine View School |
Rebecca Bilbrey | Riverview High School |
Pamela Schmidt | Safety & Security, SCSPD |
Amanda Mavrikas | Sarasota High School |
Frank Meyer | Sarasota Middle School |
Debby Abt | Southside Elementary School |
Aimee White | Student Services |
Sally Williams | Suncoast Polytechnical High School |
Dylan Kasper | Suncoast Technical College |
Gretchen Ryder | Tatum Ridge Elementary School |
Cynthia Cochran | Taylor Ranch Elementary School |
Lisandra Gonzalez | Toledo Blade Elementary School |
Albert Oliver | Transportation |
Suzette Dill | Triad School |
Marcia Kops-Roy | Tuttle Elementary School |
Jaimie Satagaj | Venice Elementary School |
Amanda Center | Venice High School |
Mike Volta | Venice Middle School |
Deborah Beese | Wilkinson Elementary School |
Leocadia Abreu | Woodland Middle School |
The Florida Department of Education’s School-Related Employee of the Year program annually recognizes outstanding education support personnel for the significant contributions they make to their schools and district school systems. The program honors one state representative and four finalists from the 67 school districts in Florida. All non-certified, non-instructional educational support personnel who serve at the school or district level — such as teacher aides, library aides, bookkeepers, bus drivers, food service staff and custodians, among others — may be nominated.
Sarasota County Schools’ School-Related Employee of the Year program is made possible through the funding and support of many generous sponsors. These schools & organizations are committed to the belief that rewarding and encouraging excellence in service is vital to a strong and successful public educational system. We appreciate their continued commitment to our school communities! Please join us in thanking all of the following sponsors:
Lead Sponsors
Sarasota Ford
Tandem Construction
Platinum Sponsor
Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association
Gold Sponsors
Achieva Bank
Harvard Jolly PBK
Neal Communities
Silver Sponsors
Florida Blue
Halfacre Construction Co.
Magnum Builders
Willis Smith
Bronze Sponsors
Baacke Insurance
Sarasota County Association of Educational Office Professionals
Award Sponsors
Sarasota District Administrators
School Based Administrators
School Sponsors
Alta Vista Elementary
Ashton Elementary
Atwater Elementary School
Bay Haven School of Basics Plus
Booker High School
Booker Middle School
Brentwood Elementary School
Brookside Middle School
Cranberry Elementary School
Emma E. Booker Elementary School
Englewood Elementary School
Fruitville Elementary School
Garden Elementary School
Glenallen Elementary School
Gocio Elementary School
Gulf Gate Elementary School
Heron Creek Middle School
Lakeview Elementary School
Lamarque Elementary School
Laurel Nokomis School
McIntosh Middle School
North Port High School
Oak Park School
Phillippi Shores Elementary
Pine View School
Riverview High School
Sarasota High School
Sarasota Middle School
Southside Elementary School
Suncoast Polytechnical High School
Suncoast Technical College
Tatum Ridge Elementary School
Taylor Ranch Elementary School
Toledo Blade Elementary School
Triad School
Tuttle Elementary School
Venice Elementary School
Venice High School
Venice Middle School
Wilkinson Elementary School
Woodland Middle School