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welcome to ashton elementary!

principal at ashton

Mrs. Kristi Jarvis, Principal

Phone: (941) 361-6440
Email Mrs. Kristi Jarvis

Welcome to Ashton Elementary

Ashton Elementary has nurtured a rich tradition of academic excellence and a stellar reputation based on student achievement, staff professionalism, and parent satisfaction. This outstanding school opened its doors in 1976, and with continued improvements, has become a model for student learning. Our staff continues to provide children with an optimal learning environment as we "Reach for the Stars" every day. This is being accomplished through the implementation of instructional "best practices" based on effective schools' research and ongoing professional development for the entire staff. 

As a Community of Caring school, the values of CaringTrustRespectResponsibility, and Family are embraced by staff, students, and parents. Our volunteer hours continually earn us the "Five Star School" recognition. This truly demonstrates the way Ashton serves as a shining example of just how teamwork between the home and school translates into success for each and every child. 


Every Student. Every Day!


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