Speakers & Public Comment

Public Comment registration opens up 24-hours prior to the start of the meeting.

  • State your name for the record. 

  • Ensure that you include the agenda item(s) / number within the Topic Section. All requests without an Agenda Item listed will be placed in General Comments.

  • Submit a separate "request to speak" form for each public comment portion of the meeting. (Agenda Comments, General Comments, Public Hearing, etc.)

  • You will have three (3) minutes for agenda items and (2) minutes for general comments to speak. When the screen turns red you will have 30 seconds remaining. Your microphone will turn off when your time expires. 

  • No speaker can yield his or her time to any other speaker. 

  • No CDs, DVDs, or any other audio or video recordings are permitted. 

  • All guest speakers are asked to conduct themselves in a manner in which all our students would be proud. Therefore, whether you agree or disagree with a speaker, you should listen politely and respectfully, without making any sounds of approval or disapproval, including clapping. 

We appreciate everyone displaying the utmost consideration for every speaker’s opinion. 
Please Note: Any individual who interferes with the orderly process of a School Board meeting will be subject to removal from the meeting (after warning), per Section 1001.372(3), Florida Statutes.