Speakers & Public Comment

Rules for Speakers

  • State your name and address for the record. 

  • You will have three (3) minutes to speak. When the timer flashes yellow, one minute remains and you need to begin to summarize. You must stop speaking when the buzzer rings. 

  • No speaker can yield his or her time to any other speaker. 

  • No CDs, DVDs, or any other audio or video recordings are permitted. 

  • All guest speakers are asked to conduct themselves in a manner in which all our students would be proud. Therefore, whether you agree or disagree with a speaker, you should listen politely and respectfully, without making any sounds of approval or disapproval, including clapping. 

School Board meetings are held in the School Board Chambers, 1980 Landings Blvd, Sarasota, Florida. All meetings are open to the public and held on the 1st Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. of each month, with the exception of one (1) meeting in July and December. Following any Special Presentations and/or the Superintendent’s Report, citizens are welcome to speak under “Hearing of Citizens.” Hearing of Citizens cards can be found in the lobby, which should be filled out prior to the meeting with your name, contact information, and topic and handed to the Sarasota County School Board Representative. Citizens will be called to the podium by the Chair in the order received and given three (3) minutes to speak. Respect for divergent viewpoints and civility will be shown at every Board meeting. Please be advised that all public comment is aired on the live television broadcast and on rebroadcasts of the meetings.

We appreciate everyone displaying the utmost consideration for every speaker’s opinion. 
Please Note: Any individual who interferes with the orderly process of a School Board meeting will be subject to removal from the meeting (after warning), per Section 1001.372(3), Florida Statutes.