Prevention Pays Wellness Incentive
Board-hired staff can earn up to $100 for completing wellness and preventative health activities.
Select here to download the 2024-2025 form!
All activities should be completed between July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Completed forms and documentation may be submitted to your site Wellness Champion.
Documentation or “proof” of completed activities is required. Proof is required for all claimed activities. If you don’t have a physician’s stamp for the preventative wellness exam, a claim may also be attached as proof of completion. (Please only submit receipts, claims, etc. and not any personal health information with your documentation /proof. Below are instructions on how to access online claims for proof).
How to access online claims to use as “proof”:
For medical claims using Florida Blue insurance, go to: www.floridablue.com and login or register as a new user using your Florida Blue member I.D. Once you are logged in, select “My Claims” and then “My Claims”.
For dental claims using Delta Dental insurance, go to: https://www1.deltadentalins.com/members.html and login or create your account. When asked for your Enrollee I.D., input the subscriber’s social security number. Once you are logged in, you can view “claims and visits”.
For vision claims using Humana Vision, go to https://account.humana.com and sign in, or activate online account. When asked for your Member I.D., you can use either your Humana Member I.D. or the last four digits of the subscriber’s social security number.
For vaccines using District Insurance (Express Scripts): Click on the following link https://express-scripts.com/. In the upper right-hand corner, select "Log in" if you have an account, or "Register" if you do not have an account. Once logged in, under the “Prescriptions” drop-down across the top, select “Claims and Balances”. Then, select “Prescription and Claim History”.