man planning in his office


Welcome to the Planning Department

Our office strives to ensure that the school district's facilities provide superior working and learning environments for staff and students. Our primary goals include:

  • Determining the program and ultimate capacities of all schools 

  • Updating the Facility Lists and Educational Specifications at all levels 

  • Keeping abreast of all residential development and housing trends 

  • Collaborating with all local governments on siting of future schools and ensuring adequate infrastructure for new and existing schools

  • Projecting classroom needs for the next 5-, 10-, and 20-year periods

  • Completing all necessary reports for the Florida DOE 

What We Do

Capital Planning

  • Develop and distribute Capital Improvement Plan [CIP]

  • Develop a yearly cycle for CIP completion

  • Facilitate/assist studies of priority facility situations

  • Facilitate Facility Strategy Team

  • Facilitate Small Projects team

  • Help complete the DOE Five-Year Work Plan

  • Track all changes to school site plans

  • Participate in all redistricting & choice-seat determinations

  • Participate in district and school projection determinations

  • Develop Class Size Reduction Impacts

  • Develop a capacity policy for Board

School Concurrency

  • Update Concurrency Service Areas

  • Facilitate adoption of revised Interlocal Agreement [ILA] and Comp Plan Amendments by county and municipalities

  • Manage the ILA Oversight Committee

  • Develop and implement a school concurrency management system

Revenue Enhancements

  • Manage the impact fee study

  • Facilitate impact fee update through the School Board and County Commission

  • Work with all local governments on infrastructure impacts of new/expanded schools

Optimal School Design

  • Develop and adopt Educational Specifications

Impact of Residential Development

  • Track all applications and approved residential developments

  • Respond to all Comp Plan Amendments, Rezone Petitions, and Site Plan reviews

  • Represent district on all Local Planning Agencies