Two Teachers Hugging

Dual Enrollment

Articulated Acceleration Mechanisms: Dual enrollment and Early Admission

Students interested in Dual Enrollment should initiate the process with their high school counselor and/or homeschool liaison.

Articulation Agreements (Downloads at the bottom of the page)

  • State College of Florida

  • University of South Florida

  • University of Florida

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (SHS only)

Dual Enrollment (DE)

Dual Enrollment is defined as the enrollment of an eligible secondary student in a post-secondary course creditable toward a vocational certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. The articulation agreement with the post-secondary institution defines the rules for enrollment and participation.  Students may earn high school and college credit simultaneously by enrolling in approved Dual Enrollment courses as specified in the articulation agreements between the School Board of Sarasota County and other accredited post- secondary institutions. Students must take a college credit course worth 3 college credit hours to equal one-half of a high school credit.  The State of Florida publishes a dual enrollment equivalency list that states the high school credits earned when taking a specific dual enrollment course.   Students are expected to adhere to all deadlines and Dual Enrollment requirements published by participating colleges and universities.

Dual Enrollment credits may affect a student’s application status and the number of credit hours available in the lower division program of some colleges and universities.  Students may take Dual Enrollment courses during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer term as defined by the articulation agreement with the post-secondary institution.

Students seeking to take career and technical education dual enrollment courses must demonstrate readiness for technical level coursework and have a 2.0 unweighted cumulative GPA for technical credit certificate Dual Enrollment courses.

The maximum course load for Dual Enrollment students will be governed by the current articulation agreement with the post-secondary institutions that is awarding the course credit. Sarasota County adheres to the drop/add procedures and timelines outlined in the Board approved articulation agreements with local post-secondary institutions.

High school students who withdraw after the academic withdrawal deadline or who earn a final grade of a D or a F will not be permitted to enroll in additional dual enrollment courses the following semester. The student who withdraws after the academic withdrawal deadline will receive the grade issued by the college or university, as outlined in the Sarasota County School Board approved articulation agreement.

Advanced Dual Enrollment (ADE)

The Accelerated Dual Enrollment (ADE) program is a form of dual enrollment through which eligible high school students in grades 11 and 12 enroll at a post-secondary institution on a full-time basis and may lead to an Associate of Arts (AA) degree from the institution.  This accelerated option allows the student to concurrently complete high school and college credits by a post-secondary institution. 

Early Admission to Colleges and Universities

Early Admission is a form of dual enrollment through which eligible secondary students enroll full-time in a post-secondary institution in courses that are creditable toward the high school diploma and the associate or baccalaureate degree. Students on Early Admission are registered and scheduled with the college courses at the high school.

Early Admission to colleges and universities allows the grade 12 student to enroll full time in a college or university provided the student has an unweighted high school weighted grade point average of 3.0 or above, is socially mature, has the joint approval of the high school principal and the college registrar, and has the approval of his/her guardians. The local articulation agreement rules apply to specific post-secondary institutions. Full-time status is determined by the college or university.  Early Admission students are:

  • Advised to not enroll for more than 15 credit hours per semester.

  • Eligible to receive the appropriate honors designation.

Dual Enrollment and Early Admission students must meet all state and district course and graduation requirements to be awarded a high school diploma from the School Board of Sarasota County.