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Plumbing (C500500)

Program Overview

If you're looking for a career that's always in demand, with good pay and plenty of growth opportunities, plumbing is the perfect choice. Our Plumbing program will teach you all the basics so you can start your new career as a professional plumber. You'll learn how to assess and repair a wide range of plumbing problems, make customers happy, and keep your community running smoothly. With our quality training, you'll be ready to take on whatever comes your way as a plumbers.

What to expect:

  • Learn about sketching diagrams and interpreting blueprints.

  • Practice plumbing assembly.

  • Receive guest lectures from Representatives from local plumbing companies and other industry experts.

  • Learn about state codes, requirements, and plumbing system design & installation.

  • Acquire skills in soldering, layout of systems, assembly in all types of plumbing, including cast iron, pipe sketching, and threading pipes.

  • Receive training related to water heaters, pumps, treating, septic tanks, community water, fixtures, faucets, valves, and other appliances.

Career in a Year at STC

Course Sequence


Course #

Course Title




Helper, Plumber, Pipefitter

360 hours



Residential Plumber

240 hours



Commercial Plumber

240 hours



Plumbing Applications

240 hours