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Computer-Aided Drawing and Modeling (C100300)

Program Overview

Are you passionate about detailed design and working on computers? In our Computer-Aided Drawing and Modeling (CAD) Program, you’ll learn how to generate designs for complex projects using the latest technologies applying mathematical skills to current CAD workforce needs. Specialize in architectural or civil design and use technical drawings to assist you in designing something as small as a microchip or as large as a skyscraper! 

What to expect:

  • Learn basic Computer-Aided Drawing (CAD) skills

  • Gain & demonstrate mathematics knowledge & skills

  • Prepare a variety of CAD drawings that include multi-view, auxiliary, pictorial, and architectural (including two dimensional and multi-level)

  • Prepare basic drawing plans that include Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing for residential structures

  • Understand the importance of employability and entrepreneurship skills

  • Create 3D architectural drawings using building information modeling (BIM) tools

  • Gain more in-depth knowledge and skill in architectural or civil CAD

Carrer in a Year at STC

Course Sequence


Course #

Course Title




CAD & Modeling 1

450 hours



CAD & Modeling 2

450 hours


1) TDR0303 or; 2) TDR0305

1) Building Information Modeling CAD Technician or; 2) Mechanical CAD Technician

300 hours