Safety & Security Areas of Responsibility
The Sarasota County School District continues to refine its security measures and to be vigilant about the safety of students and staff. Considerable time and effort go into practicing safety and security. Below are examples of the kinds of measures incorporated in the comprehensive school safety strategy.
Coordination and emergency planning with local law enforcement, police, fire, and safety officials
Coordination with the Sarasota County Health Department
Comprehensive safety plans for each school updated annually--plans include evacuation, shelter-in-place, parent communication
On-going employee training
Staff members designated to assist special needs students in an emergency/crisis
Employee/visitor identification badges
Reduced number of school doors accessible from the outside
Emergency kits in every school ready for first responders in an emergency
Crisis plans updated regularly to reflect the current climate and level of risk
Crisis management teams in all schools
Crisis intervention teams in all schools
Status checks of emergency communication devices
Regular maintenance and testing of security alarm systems
Regular inspection of elevators
Central control of air intake in all schools
Staff trained in mail handling safety
Fire safety drills conducted as required
Defibrillators tested regularly
Exit signs clearly marked and visible
Entrances clearly marked with signs directing visitors to the main office
Appropriate identification required of adults signing out students
Bus loading/drop off areas monitored by staff
Safety Resources
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
City of Venice Police