Jessica Lunsford Act Vendor Information
General Questions
For Individuals Working in Direct Contact with Students
Individuals whose responsibility will include working directly with students will not be approved if any of the following information is part of their criminal history:
Any misdemeanor record (Including any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere) for any criminal offense within the last five(5) years other than a “minor traffic violation. Note that DUI and DWI convictions are not considered as “minor”. DUI- more than one (1) in (5) five years.
Any felony record (including any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering a pleas of guilty or Nolo Contendere) for any criminal offense within the last ten(10) years.
Any felony record that involves crimes of violence, drugs, sex, the elderly, the disabled, or children, no matter how long ago the applicant was convicted.
For further information please contact the Sarasota School District Police Department at 941-927-9000 ext 31132.
In plain language what does this mean to vendors or those with contracts with the school board?
If you are a vendor or contractor (e.g. someone who fills vending machines, repairs equipment, provides a service, etc.) and you come on any Sarasota County School campus during times when students are present or have access to our children or funds, you MUST receive a Level 2 screening by the Sarasota County School Board to ensure that you can be on campus. If a person does not meet Level 2 screening standards, he or she will not be permitted to conduct business on school board property as a vendor or contractor.