
Instructional Materials & Library Services

Instructional Materials
We take great pride in supporting District level staff and schools by providing educational resources for teaching and learning by:

  • Participating in the budget development and monitoring spending of the District's annual Instructional Materials allocation from the State of Florida, in accordance with state statutes

  • Leading the process for school sites to effectively manage their instructional materials assets, including annual inventory

  • Helping facilitate the process for both state and county level Instructional Materials adoption

  • Managing the redistribution of the District's in-adoption Instructional Materials surplus among school sites

  • Coordinating the acquisition and delivery of Instructional Materials for new sites

  • Partnering  with universities and community colleges to acquire and manage the process that provides Instructional Materials for students participating in Dual Enrollment and Early College Programs

  • Providing management, maintenance, and support for all digital instructional materials and their implementation

Collection Development Policy

Library Services
Equally as important are the services and support we provide to the school library system by:

  • Providing ongoing support in the operation and maintenance of the Follett Destiny Library Management Program

  • Providing professional development and ongoing support for media staff 

  • Planning and providing professional development for teachers and staff on the use of our digital research tools and databases

  • Providing input on the design of new media centers, collection development, collection evaluation, and other services as requested