In-State & Out-of-State Transfers
In-State Transfers
A gifted student transferring from one Florida public school district to another and with a current EP must be provided service. If the EP has expired, the receiving school must initiate a new one using the prior EP as a guide. Re-evaluation is not required. The EP should be reviewed and revised as necessary by the receiving school. Any revisions to an EP are based on the current needs of the student and the program options in the receiving district.
Students may receive gifted services if they have:
1. A current Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Educational Plan (EP) that indicates gifted eligibility and services.
2. Gifted records verifying that the student was identified and eligible for gifted services.
3. Additional Sarasota County criteria must be met to access a Gifted Magnet Program such as Pine View. Select the Gifted Magnet Tab for more information on deadlines, criteria, and procedures.
Out-of-State Transfers
Students may qualify for gifted services in the state of Florida if they have:
1. A current Individual Education Plan (IEP) with gifted services or an Educational Plan (EP), standardized scores, or documents that indicate gifted eligibility and services from the previous state where the student resided. The documents must show evidence and align with that state's criterion for eligibility. If the state does not have established gifted criteria, the process starts from the beginning, and the student will have to meet Florida criteria.
2. Students who transfer with gifted eligibility from another state do not need to meet the state of Florida’s requirements. Upon enrollment, the student will be given comparable services to those described in the student’s gifted plan from the previous school district.
3. Additional Sarasota County criteria must be met to access a Gifted Magnet program such as Pine View School. Residency in the state of Florida must be established by the deadline listed on the main gifted page of this website. Out-of-state gifted status does not automatically qualify a student for a gifted magnet program in Sarasota County.