Home Education

Home Education Forms

  • Including Notice of Intent, Notice of Termination, and Annual Evaluation. 

Home education is 100% parent-driven and by enrolling in home education, parents/guardians are assuming all educational responsibilities regardless of the mechanism used to educate their students. This includes all correspondence curriculum, books, or online curriculum (Sarasota Virtual School or Florida Virtual School).  Sarasota County Schools does not issue high school diplomas for home education students.

Home education is in lieu of attending a public school (traditional or charter) or private school. Students who have a pattern of non-attendance (truancy) may enroll in homeschool and will be required to comply with F.S.1002.41 and 1002.26 

Parents and guardians who are considering home education as a school choice option should know they have the following responsibilities under Florida Statutes 1002.41 and 1003.21.

  • Parents/Guardians must notify the Office of School Choice in writing within 30 days of the establishment of the Home Education Program.

  • Parents/Guardians are required to maintain a portfolio of records and materials. This portfolio is to be preserved for two years and be made available, upon 15 days notice, for inspection.

  • Parents/Guardians are required to provide the Office of School Choice and Charter Schools with an annual educational evaluation for students in the Home Education program:

  • You can have a Florida teacher, (currently certified to teach academic subjects at the elementary or secondary level) assess your student.

  • You can have your student take any nationally-normed student achievement test, administered by a certified teacher of your choice.

  • The student can take a State Student Assessment test (if available through the school district)

  • The student can be evaluated by an individual holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of F.S.490.003 (7) or (8).

  • The student can be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool not covered in 1-4 if mutually agreed upon by the school superintendent (designee) of the district in which the student resides. Examples would be SAT or ACT scores; grades earned through dual enrollment; or classes taken at public schools, private schools or virtual schools.

The required annual evaluation is due in the Office of School Choice and Charter Schools no later than 12 months after your student is registered (and within each12 month period following that date should your student be on home education for more than 1 year).

National assessments and statewide standardized assessments offered by the school district are also available to home education students. Please continue to check this page for updates throughout the year on test availability and deadlines to register. 

Parents/Guardians who are interested in having their students take an assessment offered through the district, are required to complete and submit a Home Education Registration Form by the posted deadline. Once the Home Education Registration Form is submitted, students will be assigned specific test dates. Assessment registration forms will not be accepted after the posted deadline. If you have questions or need additional information, you may contact the Research, Assessment and Evaluation Office

Upon deciding to establish and maintain a Home Education Program for your student, you will be governed by Florida statutes.  The Supervisor of School Choice and Charter Schools acts as the Superintendent’s designee for Home Education Programs in Sarasota County. As parents and/or guardians establish their Home Education Programs, the designee will help them remain in compliance with the state statutes that govern this school choice option in Florida

Please send any and all homeschool correspondence to School Choice Department Email

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call the Office of School Choice and Charter Schools at 927-9000 extension 32255.
