Families in Transition

Sarasota County Schools and the SCC, Schoolhouse Link Program have a long-standing partnership to serve students who are in transition or homeless. The Schoolhouse Link Program is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of students who meet eligibility under the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. The Schoolhouse Link Program works in collaboration with schools to further their understanding of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act guidelines. The program also works closely with all stakeholders to ensure educational stability for students.


  • Eliminate barriers that prevent students in transition from access to public education

  • Improve daily attendance of students in homeless situations

  • Increase proficiency rates on all high stakes assessments

  • Increase the graduation rate of students in transition


  • Assist with McKinney Vento identification and school enrollment.

  • Assist with the development of a student success plan and post-secondary planning.

  • Train, collaborate and consult with all school staff about the needs of all students who have been identified under the McKinney-Vento Act.

  • Authorize free school meals

  • Coordinate transportation to and from "school of origin".

  • Provide backpacks, school supplies, and uniforms.

  • Provide bus passes or gas cards as alternative methods of transportation while waiting for approval from the district's transportation office. This applies to the transportation request submitted through the Schoolhouse Link Program Office.

  • Provide referrals to community agencies.

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