2024-2025 Early Learning Programs Family Handbook

Our Vision: To be the premier education provider, empowering every student to thrive in an ever-changing world through innovation and continuous advancement.

Our Mission: To Engage, Empower, and Elevate Every Student. Every Day!

We are excited to begin this educational journey with you and your child! Please know that we count on you as educational partners and look forward to working with you to support your child’s academic success! Our programs are designed to prepare children for kindergarten by focusing on the early learning domains of early reading, writing, math, and social skills through developmentally appropriate practices!

Link to Handbook - English

Link to Handbook - Spanish

SCS Early Learning Programs are aligned with the breadth of three child outcomes and are a critical first step towards kindergarten readiness.

These child outcomes include:

  1. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships)

  2. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills

  3. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs

This Early Learning Handbook is an additional resource that complements and supports the district’s Student and Family Handbook.

The SCS Student and Family Handbook has been developed to help students, families, and administrators understand the policies and procedures established for students. It can be found on the Student and Family Handbook page. Your school may have additional resources—including a school-specific Student and Family Handbook—that can be found on their website. Please get in touch with your school if you have any questions.

Link to 2024-2025 Academic Calendar.

Our Philosophy

  • Early learning educators foster a lifelong love of learning in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment for all children.

  • Parents & families are critical partners in a child’s education.

  • Caring is among the most important aspects of all learning, and educators have the responsibility to partner with parents & families in sharing responsibility in strengthening a child’s understanding of their role in the broader community and world.

  • Children are creative, unique, and contributing citizens with skills that should be nourished and enhanced.

  • Investing in high-quality, standards-based early learning and Pre-K programs that nurture curiosity, confidence, and creativity leads to positive school and life outcomes.

Types of Early Learning Programs & Enrollment Information

  • Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Pre-K Ages 3-5 years

    • The Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Program is for

      children with disabilities and is operated through Sarasota County Schools. The

      ESE Pre-K program is available at multiple school sites. The school-based program

      operates during regular school hours, consistent with the school year calendar.

      • ESE Pre-K Enrollment Information: Students must be three years old and

        eligible for ESE to qualify for the ESE Pre-K program.

  • Early Learning Pre-K Program “Academic Pre-K”

    • This program is unique to Gocio and is limited to only students living within the

      Gocio Attendance Zone. This program offers specific components in curriculum,

      staffing, environment, and support.

      • Gocio “Academic Pre-K” Enrollment Information: For more information,

        you may contact the Gocio team directly at (941) 361-6405 or visit www.SarasotaCountySchools.net/Gocio.

  • Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)

    • Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is a voluntary state program funded by the

      Division of Early Learning (DEL) at the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE).

      SCS offers the VPK program free of charge to families as either a 540-instructional

      hour school year program or a 300-instructional hour summer program. Families

      may select between the school year or the summer, but not both.

  • VPK Specialized Instructional Services (VPK SIS)

    • Florida’s VPK Specialized Instructional Services (VPK SIS) education program is an

      additional option for parents of 4-year-old children with disabilities that is available

      outside the traditional VPK classroom setting. If your child has a current individual

      educational plan (IEP) from your local school district that calls for specialized

      instructional services, you can choose VPK SIS instead of traditional VPK school

      year or summer programs.

  • VPK School Year Enrollment Information

    • All children who reside in Florida and turn four years of age by September 1st of

      the school year, are eligible to participate in a VPK program. Children with VPK

      delayed enrollment certificates are not eligible for placement in a school district

      VPK program. All program sites offer VPK choice as options as an opportunity

      for parents to select the school site and program that will best meet their child’s


About SCS Early Learning Classrooms

All Early Learning teachers must hold a valid temporary or Professional Florida Educator’s Certificate according to Florida Statutes.

Curriculum Guidelines

Florida Early Learning Developmental Standards (FELDS) & Early Learning Curriculum Resources:

Sarasota County School District programs are aligned with The Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards (FELDS, 2017). These standards may be found on the FLDOE website in the Division of Early Learning— Early Learning and Developmental Standards (www.floridaearlylearning.com).

The standards describe the developing skills four-year old children should know and be able to do by the end of their Pre-Kindergarten year and encompass eight learning domains:

  1. Physical Development

  2. Approaches to Learning

  3. Social and Emotional Development

  4. Language and Literacy

  5. Mathematical Thinking

  6. Scientific Inquiry

  7. Social Studies

  8. Creative Expression Through the Arts

All early learning classrooms use the FELDS to carefully design instructional programming utilizing the Frog Street 2020 Curriculum resource, along with supplemental instructional materials to support children based on individual learning needs. Together teachers and partnering preschool paraprofessionals work with families in aligning key learning outcomes with specific learning goals in the eight domains.

Assessing and Communicating Children’s Progress

Home-school partnerships are critical for the success of any learner. Early Learning teachers depend on the critical role of the parent and family in the early years of development and work to build strong home-school connections. Your child’s teacher will work with you on an ongoing communication plan ensuring that families receive up-to-date information on positive progress and celebrations and areas of challenge or need.

Instruction and assessment go hand-in-hand. Your child’s teacher conducts ongoing formal and informal assessments to monitor your child’s progress toward the end-of-year expectations defined by The Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards (FELDS, 2017). This valuable assessment information is used so teachers can adjust instruction to meet your child’s evolving needs and to communicate with you about their progress.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, we encourage you to speak directly with your child’s classroom teacher.

Daily Routines



Daily Schedule

The teacher will post a daily schedule of activities in sequential, pictorial form. This will help children learn time concepts, planning, and predicting skills.

Large Group Time

The entire class will gather for group activities that encourage relationship building, turn taking, music, storytelling and other activities that address the FELDS to prepare children for success in kindergarten.

Small Group Time

Children will spend time with an adult and in a small group learning and practicing skills in early literacy, math, science, and social/emotional learning domains.

Outdoor Exploration

Children are provided daily time to run, play, and explore outside. Outdoor play opportunities are essential to growth, development, and learning. Our program offers unstructured play opportunities and outdoor explore stations designed to provoke children’s curiosity about a curriculum topic they are investigating in their classroom. Children choose which activities to engage in during outdoor exploration. Teachers play with children to encourage physical, social, and cognitive development and assess students’ growth in these areas.

Quiet Time

SCS early learning guidelines regarding nap time or quiet time in early learning programs are aligned with the latest research in this area. All students in early l earning classrooms are offered a time during the day that allows them to quietly rest and relax. While children are not required to nap during quiet time, children are encouraged individual, quiet play and learning at their mats during quiet time. This allows all children time for unstructured rest but does not require children to sleep.


Teachers may use snack time as a vehicle to engage children in fun learning tasks. Please work with your child’s teacher on appropriate snack ideas!

Parent & Family Engagement - Partnering in Education!

SCS is committed to strengthening student and family engagement and celebrates the home-school partnership!

Preschool provides an optimal time to establish the home-school partnership through building connections between the child, parent, and the learning environment.

Parents and families serve as the primary influence on a young child’s earliest development and the goal of any strong early learning program is strengthening the connection between home and school.

For example, your child’s teacher will communicate with you frequently through informal conversations, or in writing. Please remember your child’s teachers may also be interested in family concerns and home events. We encourage you to share any information about your child’s life and activities that will help provide a supportive and exciting program.

Throughout the year, information will be shared regarding available resources and parent/family engagement and learning opportunities! You are encouraged to participate and learn alongside other parents and families and explore all there is to discover about early childhood development.

The SCS Early Learning Support team facilitates family activities throughout the year, frequently partnering with the Sarasota Early Learning Coalition (ELC) and others throughout the community! You will be informed of these events by your teacher.

Families can participate in many other ways such as classroom activities, helping plan or implement special events, sharing expertise, etc. Please note the following guidelines:

  • It is an SCS policy that anyone volunteering or participating in school activities must complete a Volunteer Application. To learn more, check out the following link: www.SarasotaCountySchools.net/Volunteer.

  • If you are volunteering in your child’s classroom, you will not be permitted to bring other siblings or children with you.

  • For the safety of all children, you must obtain a visitor’s pass from the school office before entering your child’s classroom.

  • Your child will become excited about school when you show excitement and support. Be enthusiastic and talk with your child about the exciting activities in preschool. Ask your child’s teacher about ways to support and extend this special year of learning, and what educational activities you and your child can do at home.

  • Please know that YOU are your child’s first and most important teacher and your child’s teacher needs YOU as a partner throughout the year!

SCS Voluntary Pre-K Locations & Program Requirements

VPK school sites are subject to change based on specific school enrollment and unit allocations:

  • Alta Vista Elementary

  • Atwater Elementary

  • Brentwood Elementary

  • Cranberry Elementary

  • Emma E. Booker Elementary

  • Englewood Elementary

  • Glenallen Elementary

  • Taylor Ranch School

  • Toledo Blade Elementary

  • Tuttle Elementary

  • Venice Elementary

  • Wilkinson Elementary

How Do I Apply?

All VPK applications must be approved by the Department of Early Learning. Applying does not guarantee a seat. Availability is limited due to school capacity. For availability or waitlist options, please call (941) 927-9000 x31271.

Do You Have a Current VPK Certificate of Eligibility?

To participate in VPK, parents and families must have a VPK Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Early Learning Family Portal for the current school year. To obtain a certificate, click here or call (941) 954-4830.

Once a family has a VPK Certificate of Eligibility they must email the VPK Certificate to VPK@sarasotacountyschools.net or bring to the District Pre-K Office.

  • The Pre-K office will contact parents for placement status.

  • The parent will complete the registration and enrollment process with the school.

VPK Only: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM FREE

Priority enrollment consideration will be given for those families enrolling in VPK Plus Parent Pay.

VPK Plus Parent Pay: 8:30-3:30 PM

  • VPK Plus Parent Pay provides a seamless seven-hour day.

  • After VPK hours (8:30-11:30 AM) parents can choose to have their child stay until the end of the school day (3:30 PM).

This program is a fee-based program:

  • $50 Enrollment Fee

  • Full Day Program Annual Fee is $3,870 (September – May)

  • Family is eligible for Free Meals – No Parent Fee (Free)

  • Family is eligible for Reduced Meals – Annual Fee is $1,354.50

  • Family not eligible for Free or Reduced Meals – Annual Fee is $3,870

  1. All fees are due in advance, by the first Friday of each month. Each month parent(s)/guardian(s) will receive an electronic invoice via email. If payment is not made by the first Friday of each month a $20.00 late fee will be assessed.

  2. Consistent late payment can result in dismissal from the VPK program and the student's schedule may be changed to the 3-hour VPK AM program. A notice of the schedule change will be sent home via email or with the student.

  3. There is a $50 non-refundable enrollment fee.

  4. Each payment must be made online through the District Payment Portal.

  5. School staff and teachers will not be able to accept payments. All payments must be made online through the portal.

  6. When enrolling in the VPK Plus Parent Pay program, parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign a “Parent Handbook Acknowledgement” confirming that all payments will be made in a timely manner.

  7. Credits are not issued for a students’ absences. The full monthly fee must be paid even when a student is absent.

  8. The school district is not permitted to extend credit; therefore, all services must be paid for in advance. Parents must be responsible for advance payment of the VPK Plus Parent Pay full day services. Students will be excluded from the full day program for non-payment.

VPK Choice

VPK Choice is a chance for parents to select the school site and program that will best meet their child’s needs, and these requests are made directly at the school the parent wants to select. Choice requests will be prioritized according to the following criteria:

  1. Applicants choose their zoned school or a school within their school zoned cluster.

  2. Children who are 4 years of age by September 1st of the academic year.

  3. Children with VPK delayed enrollment certificates are not eligible for placement in a school district VPK program.

  4. The child is experiencing homelessness.

  5. The child is in foster care or protective services.

  6. The child has migrant status.

  7. The parent is currently on active military duty.

  8. Applicant has a sibling(s) currently attending the requested school.

  9. The parent is currently employed by the Sarasota County School district.

  10. The family is enrolling the student in full day programming.

*All other applicants will be placed in the choice pool for random placement. Choice applications are not processed using a first-come, first-served basis during the Choice period. Applicants will be notified by email about placement and the procedures for school enrollment.

After the VPK Choice Period:

Any student applying for VPK outside of the choice period will be placed based on availability at the school. After a program reaches enrollment, students may be placed on a waitlist.

VPK Attendance

Although it is voluntary for your child to enroll in a VPK program, it is NOT voluntary for your child to attend. The expectation is that your child will be on time and in school EVERY DAY, unless there is an excused absence (See Student Code of Conduct and Academic Calendar).

If your child has more than three absences, excused or unexcused, and/or is tardy more than three times per month, your child may be removed from the program.

All absences must be documented. Parents must sign and date a monthly attendance certification form and teachers must maintain them for auditing purposes.

Late Pick-Up Fees: It is expected that your child will be picked up promptly at the end of the instructional day. If a parent is tardy in picking up his/her child after dismissal time, a late pick-up fee will be charged. Parents will be assessed a $12 late fee for every 15 minutes past the end of the day. A student may be withdrawn from the program if there are repetitive late pick-ups.

Our Qualified VPK Teachers and Staff:

Students are taught by certified teachers assisted by talented paraprofessionals. Each VPK classroom is staffed with one teacher and one paraprofessional for every 18 students. In additional to a valid temporary or professional Florida Educator Certificate, VPK Teachers also have the following:

  • A VPK Staff Credential.

  • Background screening and a copy of Affidavit of Good Moral Character.

  • All VPK instructors must complete a 5-hour standards course, and three 5-hour emergent literacy courses. After completing the first three emergent literacy courses, VPK instructors must complete one emergent literacy course every five years.

  • CLASS® is the VPK program assessment tool required for all VPK classrooms to participate beginning in the 2022-2023 program year per Section 1002.68 F.S. Program Assessment Requirements for the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) Education Program Rule can be found here, 6M-8.621.

VPK Standards and Curriculum Resources

Every classroom adheres to the Florida Early Learning Developmental Standards (FELDS, 2017) and utilizes a FLDOE state approved VPK curriculum, Frog Street 2020. Teachers also utilize Handwriting Without Tears and other instructional resources aligned with the FELDS and student need.

VPK Progress Monitoring

The Coordinated Screening and Progress Monitoring Program is the statewide, standardized program known as Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Star Early Literacy. It is implemented in all VPK programs as required by s. 1002.68, F.S., and used to assess student achievement of the performance standards established in s. 1002.67(1)(a), F.S., in early literacy and mathematics.

VPK Student Positive Behavior and Discipline Policy

Pre-Kindergarten teachers design classroom environments that support healthy social, emotional, and cognitive development. The SCS Early Learning Support team collaborates with teachers and paraprofessionals to support student behavior and development with special attention to regulation, appropriate emotional expression, relationship development and developing independence. In partnership with parents, we value modeling and reinforcing safe and appropriate behaviors. This support is aligned with the Florida Early Learning Developmental Standards (FELDS) and benchmarks reflecting the knowledge and skills that a child on a developmental progression should know and be able to do at the end of an age-related timeline.

SCS VPK programs utilize the Frog Street 2020 curriculum resource with Conscious Discipline for behavioral support and social emotional development prioritizing students’ safety and security within stimulating learning environments. Teachers recognize that relationships are essential for learning, and they intentionally design environments and foster interactions so that students create and maintain healthy connected relationships with adults and peers. With the essential foundations of routines, rituals, and structures, students thrive.

In some cases, a student may continue to display disruptive or unsafe behaviors even with these foundational components in place. For those students, teachers implement the following progressive discipline plan to intensify support and/or reconsider placement:

  • Step One: Implement routines and structures based on Conscious Discipline and the Technical Assistance and Training System (TATS) Rock Your Classroom guide to program design for all students. These routines and structures create a safe and connected classroom environment for learning and problem solving. If the behavior continues or escalates…

  • Step Two: Notify the parents and school personnel about the behaviors and to develop a plan for intensifying behavioral support including documentation of behaviors and identifying support strategies. If the behavior continues or escalates…

  • Step Three: Teacher and/or parent recommends child for screening

    and evaluations completed at the districted school. These screenings

    or evaluations will determine the process for further assessments or

    actions from school personnel.

Important Note: At any point in the above process, if a child, parent, or caregiver’s behavior excessively disrupts the learning of other students, causes damage to school property and/or is unsafe to self or others, the child’s placement may be reconsidered. This includes shortening the child’s daily schedule or withdrawing the child from the VPK Program.

VPK Transportation

  • Transportation is not provided for students in the VPK program.

  • Parents/Families must plan to bring their children to school and pick

    them up on a timely basis and school-based before and after care

    programming is not currently available for VPK students.

VPK Personal Care and Toileting Issues:

  • Children who are enrolled in the VPK program are expected to be toilet trained.

  • Please contact the school if there are medical issues that require accommodation.

  • The Sarasota County School (SCS) district complies with all state statues including the requirements of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

VPK Parent and Family Involvement

Parents and Families are encouraged to stay involved in the education process by committing to ongoing home-school communication, attending scheduled conferences and supporting a student’s continued progress at home! One easy way to stay engaged with learning at home is through reading together daily and spending quality time together! YOU are appreciated as your child’s first and best teacher!

Early Learning Forms