Curriculum & Instruction Resources
The Curriculum and Instruction Department provides support for the operation of all district K-12 schools and the implementation of instructional programs.
Curriculum and Instruction helps ensure that teachers and students have the tools and skills they need for teaching and learning. Among other responsibilities, the department:
Provides resources to support the curriculum
Guides the adoption of instructional materials for K-12
Helps teachers develop their professional skills to maximize learning
Models instructional best practices
Works with district staff to identify and implement technology that facilitates effective teaching
Develops teacher-leaders in all content areas
Manages district-wide science and history fairs
Florida Standards and Course Descriptions
CPALMS is the State of Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions. It provides access to thousands of standards-aligned, free, and high-quality instructional/educational resources that have been developed specifically for the standards and vetted through a rigorous review process. Teachers, parents, students, and administrators, can find instructional and educational resources for all subjects in grades K-12.
Florida Required Instruction Reporting Portal
You can view all Sarasota's LEA implementation plans and reports for current and past cycles.
FloridaStudents.org Student Tutorials
More than 3,000 student resources are accessible on the CPALMS FloridaStudents.org Tutorial at Florida Students Website. Students can access these resources including more than 800 original and interactive student tutorials covering K-12 topics in mathematics, science, English Language Arts and social studies. These tutorials are created specifically for Florida’s standards and are accessible to all, no student account is needed.