Competitive Bidding System
Bidding Requirements
Unless specifically exempt by law or Florida Department of Education rule, all purchased commodities as defined in Florida Statute 287.012or contracts for services as defined in Florida Statute 287.057 exceeding the maximum threshold amount established by the Florida Department of Education must be acquired through formal, competitive sealed bids solicited by the district's purchasing office. A competitive sealed bid shall be construed to mean a written solicitation, with the title, date, and hour of the public bid opening designated and specifically defining the commodity, groups of commodities, or services for which bids are sought. It includes instructions prescribing all conditions for bidding and shall be distributed to all prospective bidders simultaneously. The School Board shall have the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Rules governing purchasing and contract procedures were established under the concept of open competitive bidding. Under this system, purchase awards are made to the lowest and best bidder who meets the stated specifications in accordance with the stipulated terms and conditions, and also has the capacity to provide the service or product. These specifications and conditions are outlined in bid packages that are available to all interested vendors.
How to Submit a Bid
Contents of Solicitation: The Invitation To Bid/Request for Proposal contains the specifications for the commodity or service being purchased, and the terms and conditions governing the bid/proposal.
Adherence to Specifications: Manufacturer's names, trade names, brand information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for information and establishment of the quality level desired and are not intended to limit competition. When the bid allows equal or equivalent products that conform to the required specifications, indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name, model or catalog number as may be required. Submit with your bid complete descriptive literature and/or specifications if requested. You should also explain in detail the reason(s) why and how the proposed items will meet the specifications and not be considered an exception and submit adequate information to document this claim. The District reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal or equivalent. Bids which do not comply with these requirements are subject to rejection. If you fail to name another item(s), it will be assumed that you are bidding on, and will be required to furnish, goods identical in every respect to the bid standard.
New Equipment: All supplies and equipment offered and furnished must be new and of current production, unless the request for product and/or bid specifically permits offers of used or recycled items. Remanufactured or reconstructed items are not considered new.
Trade-Ins: The District may request bids for new equipment employing trade-ins or used equipment. In such cases, a trade-in price quotation will be requested of trade-in and a separate price quotation without a trade-in for the requested equipment. The District reserves the right to purchase equipment either with or without the trade-in.
Purchase Award: The District's award of the bid shall not constitute an order. Before any shipments can be made, the vendor(s) must receive a purchase order. Shipments shall be made as specified on the order, conforming to the bid form, specifications, and general instructions.
Bidder's Liability: Should any bidder fail to enter into a contract with the District on the basis of the submitted bid by the said bidder, bidder acknowledges that bidder shall be liable to the District for the difference between such bid price and the price the District pays to secure the merchandise from another source. Failure to pay the said amount upon demand will result in the company being removed from the bid list for a period of not less than two (2) years from the date of the infraction. Thereafter, the bidder may request to be reinstated to the bid list.
Vendor Responsibilities:
Assure that a current vendor application is on file with the District.
Notify the District of any changes: name, address, products/services, etc.
Read and understand each page of the Invitation To Bid, Request For Proposal, or Request for Quote which you receive.
Attend the pre-bid conference (when applicable). When pre-bid conferences are mandatory, a representative from your firm must be in attendance or your bid will be rejected.
Double check your offer prior to submittal.
Execute the Certification Page of the bid document, RFP or quote.
Ensure that your offer is made within the prescribed time limits and to the proper address.
Provide all information as required in the Invitation To Bid, Request For Proposal, or Request For Quote.
If the award is made to your firm, make delivery as specified.
Contact the Purchasing Office should you have any questions.
Bid Restriction: Public Entity Crimes
Per 287.133 F.S., a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor's list following a conviction for a public entity crime:
may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity.
may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work,
may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity,
may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier or subcontractor or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and
may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 F.S. for Category Two.
The above restrictions shall be applicable for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.