Kids learning in class

Charter Schools

Sarasota County Schools mission is to authorize high-quality public charter schools through a rigorous standards-based approval process, effective and continuous oversight, and meaningful collaboration to ensure that students who attend Sarasota County charter schools attain a quality education and achieve high expectations.  

Charter schools are public schools that operate under a performance contract or a "charter," which frees them from most rules and regulations created for traditional public schools. Charter schools are allocated public educational funds from the same monies given to traditional public schools. They hire their own teachers, design their own academic program, and control their own finances. They have their own board of directors that make decisions for the school.

Sarasota County Schools has oversight responsibility for all charter schools within the county, but charter schools function largely independently under the terms of their contract or charter with the district. Organizations wishing to be granted permission to operate a charter school within the district may apply to the School Board of Sarasota County, or applicants can choose to apply to the Charter School Review Commission. Information about the Charter School Review Commission process and requirements can be located on their website  

If you have questions or need additional information, please call:

Millie Wheeler
Supervisor of School Choice and Charter Schools
Phone: 941-927-9000, ext. 32255

Kelli Anderson
Charter School Specialist
Phone: 941-927-9000, ext. 32262

Visit the state's School Choice and Charter Schools website for important information: