Career & Technical Education
Career & Technical Education is offered at our schools through course pathways that prepare students to be college and career-ready by providing core academic skills, industry-recognized certifications and credentials, and technical job-specific capabilities. CTE students experience real-world and hands-on activities, helping them to gain specific skills for their future. They work with equipment, software, and tools that are currently utilized in our local workforce. CTE pathways offered in Sarasota County Schools are aligned with our region’s current occupational demands. Our schools have established partnerships with local employers and postsecondary institutions enabling clear roadmaps to certifications, degrees, and sustainable careers.
Annually, hundreds of Sarasota County Schools CTE students participate in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO), attend conferences, and compete in regional, state, and national competitions. Our schools have active CTSO chapters of FFA, FBLA, FFEA, HOSA, TSA, and SkillsUSA, all of which have numerous benefits including:
Develops interpersonal relationships
Improve communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.
Develops positive leadership
Fosters stress management
Develops responsibility and accountability
Develops self‐confidence
Provides opportunities for recognition, awards, and scholarships
Develops a sense of community and volunteerism
Fosters a sense of belonging
Offers opportunities to travel
Career & Technical Education section links:
Notification on Nondiscrimination: Sarasota County Schools offers multiple career and technical programs wherein students may earn industry certification. The district prohibits discrimination in the terms and conditions of employment, and in access to educational programs and activities, and prohibits harassment of any individual or group on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or genetic information (and other protected classes included in the district’s nondiscrimination policies). Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation. The district may assess each student’s ability to benefit from specific programs through placement tests and counseling, and, if necessary, will provide services or referrals to better prepare students for successful participation. Any person who believes he or she has experienced any such prohibited discrimination may file a complaint with the district Equity Coordinator by calling (941) 927-9000, or by writing to 1960 Landings Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34231.