Background Screening Information
Pre-Employment & Post-Offer Background Checks
The goal of the Sarasota County School Board (the "District") is to hire the best-qualified candidates for all jobs while, at the same time, ensuring the on-going safety of our students. To that end, the District does a comprehensive pre-employment background check that includes the following components:
Security Background Check Form (applicant is asked to disclose criminal history and final disposition of any charges).
As part of the application process, the applicant is asked to disclose past terminations, disciplinary actions, and sanctions against professional licenses, including suspension and revocation.
For Classified applicants:
Two completed references, with at least one being from a previous supervisor. These references must be listed in the Work Experience section of the application.
For Instructional applicants:
Two professional references supplied using the online application process. If the applicant is graduating from college and has no current work experience, the references may come from the applicant's Director of Interns, supervising teachers, and major professors. These references must be listed in the Work Experience section of the application.
For Administrative applicants:
Two completed references from supervisors or administrators. These references must be listed in the Work Experience section of the application. Most positions require original transcripts as part of the online file.
Post-Interview / Pre-offer
Check Florida Department of Education website for prior reports to the Professional Practices Commission.
Official transcript(s) with degree conferral date will be required upon offer of employment for Instructional applicants. Foreign transcripts must be translated and evaluated by a District-approved vendor. Photocopies are not acceptable.
One telephone reference check from the applicant’s current supervisor.
Drug screen (urinalysis) to ensure a drug-free workplace. The cost is $38.75, payable by Visa/MasterCard/Discover, Cashier's check or Money Order made payable to "Sarasota County Schools."
Fingerprinting (results include Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI checks), processed through the Safety and Security Office. The fee is $90.00 payable by Visa/MasterCard/Discover, Cashier's check or Money Order made payable to "Sarasota County Schools."
Official social security card and a picture ID. The name on the social security card must match the name on the picture ID.
Mandatory attendance at New Employee Orientation with topics to include: liability, negligence, compliance, Bloodborne Pathogens, Code of Ethics, discrimination, and sexual harassment.
In reviewing Security Background Check forms and fingerprint results, the District enforces the following:
The District will not hire an applicant with a misdemeanor record (including any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere) for any criminal offense within the last five (5) years other than a "minor" traffic violation. Note that DUI and DWI convictions are not considered as "minor".
The District will not hire an applicant with a felony record (including any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere) for any criminal offense within the last ten (10) years.
The District will not hire an applicant with a felony record that involves crimes of violence, drugs, sex, the elderly, the disabled, or children no matter how long ago the applicant was convicted.
A falsified application will eliminate an applicant from further consideration for employment.
Please refer to the list of criminal offenses considered before employment is offered. Please note that this list is not meant to be all-inclusive.
For more detailed information regarding these procedures, please visit or call our Human Resources Department at 941-927-9000 x31200.
For the purposes of these guidelines, criminal conviction includes:
Finding of guilty conviction by a jury or court
Forfeiture of bail, bond, or other security deposit intended to secure appearance
Payment of a fine
A plea of nolo contendere
Imposition of a deferred or suspended sentence
Adjudication withheld
Plea of no contest
Pre-trial intervention
Felony Record
Will consider if the conviction is more than ten years old:
Felony level crimes that do not involve drugs, sex, violence, children, the elderly, or the disabled.
Will not hire felony convictions including, but not limited to:
Crimes (Violence)
Aggravated assault
Aggravated battery
Aiding in an escape
Battery on a detention or commitment facility staff member
Carrying a concealed weapon
Criminal mischief
Depriving a law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer means of protection or communication
Domestic violence
False imprisonment
Harboring, concealing, or aiding an escaped prisoner
Inflicting cruel or inhumane treatment on an inmate resulting in great bodily harm
Introducing contraband into detention or correctional facilities
Manslaughter or aggravated manslaughter
Resisting arrest with or without violence
Theft, robbery, burglary, larceny, and related crimes, if offense is a felony
Vehicular homicide
Crimes (Involving the elderly or disabled)
Adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation of aged persons
Crimes (Involving children)
Aiding in the escape of juvenile inmates in correctional institutions
Assault of a minor
Battery to a minor
Carrying a child beyond state lines with criminal intent to avoid producing a child at a custody hearing or delivering the child to a designated person
Child abuse, aggravated child abuse, or neglect of a child
Contributing to the delinquency or dependency of a child
Encouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal gang
Exhibiting a firearm or weapon within 1,000 feet of a school
Killing an unborn child by injury to the mother
Negligent treatment of a child
Possessing an electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon on school property
Prohibited acts of persons in familial or custody authority
Taking, enticing, or removing a child beyond state limits with criminal intent
Crimes (Sex related)
Abuse, aggravated abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult
Lewd and indecent exposure
Lewd and lascivious behavior
Lewd and lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult
Obscene literature
Sexual battery
Sexual misconduct in juvenile justice programs
Sexual misconduct with developmentally disabled
Sexual misconduct with mental health patients
Sexual performance by a child
Any other sex related felony
Crimes (Drugs and alcohol)
All felony drug convictions
Fraudulent sale of controlled substances
Multiple DUIs
Possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia
Misdemeanor Record
Will consider if the charge is more than five years old:
Any misdemeanor crime (including findings of guilty, pleas of nolo contendere, withheld adjudication, pretrial diversion programs) except those that involve crimes against children
Misdemeanor drug or paraphernalia use or possession
Multiple DUIs
Resisting arrest without violence
Will consider on a case-by-case basis:
Pending cases
Violation of city ordinances/traffic offenses not listed above
Any crime not listed above