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McIntosh Middle PTO


PTO board meetings are held once a month.  Open PTO meetings are held every other month.

There's SO much we can do together, even just one hour of your time is truly valuable and appreciated. Bring a friend & meet new friends...see you at the next meeting!

By joining the PTO you are advocating on behalf of all children, including your own! Have a say in making decisions for our school, fundraisers and events. As part of the PTO we do school upgrades, we raise money to help buy new things the school needs, and during the year we put on many fundraising events to raise money to fund school events for our students. We also host many luncheons and teacher appreciation events. If interested please email

PTO Sponsored Events

Donuts with Grown Ups!

Normally held in October. We always have a great turnout for this event every year. CLICK HERE for more photos. This is an annual even the PTO holds every year.

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Students and grown ups enjoying their donuts provided by the PTO of McIntosh Middle School.


Renaissance is a quarterly event PTO puts on for students that reach a 3.0 grade point average or higher. CLICK HERE for more information.

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McIntosh Middle School students enjoying a Renaissance celebration.

Winter Dance!

We hold this event normally in January. This dance is held for all age groups. Last year's theme was Winter Wonderland CLICK HERE for more information.

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MMS students won different prices at the dance.

Teacher Appreciation Gift & Lunch

We bought the staff a massage chair! They love it!

MMS principal Mr. Lerebours enjoying our new massage chair.

We also revamped the staff lounge. PTO repainted the room and moved in a couch. This year we are looking to provide a brand new coffee bar! PTO will buy a fancy coffee machine and all the goodies to go with it.

Easy Fundraiser to Participate in All Year! 

Box Tops 4 Education

Save Your BOXTOPS!  Place 25 unexpired Box Tops per Ziplock bag.  Write your name and homeroom teacher on the bag. For every 25 turned in, the student's name will be placed into a year-end drawing. Prizes are being collected -- last year, a student won two free tickets to Tree Umph!  
Don't forget to ask your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to clip Box Tops for you. They can save anywhere in the USA and send them to you!!

Our Business Partners

Glory Days

Absolute Payroll

JBCC Development LLC

Dunkin Donuts

Big Cat Habit

Stage Door Dance Studio

H&Y Fence Co.

Airrific Air Conditioning & Heating

Varone Orthodontics

If you would like to become a Business Partner we would greatly appreciate your help. CLICK HERE for more information.


Volunteers are always needed!  Any amount of help is greatly appreciated. It all adds up, and is what helps make your student's Middle School years more memorable.

CLICK HERE to visit the main volunteer page on the Sarasota County School Board website to become a volunteer at McIntosh Middle School.

There are 2 types for Volunteer levels. Level 1 and Level 2. Read below to see which one you need to apply for. Please note, if you need volunteer status for a certain date please do not wait till the last minute. It could take 2-4 weeks for level 2 to be approved, in some cases even longer.

Level 1

Volunteers who are under staff supervision ... CLICK HERE TO APPLY

• Majority of volunteers

• Must stay within eye and earshot of a school faculty member at all times

• No cost to the volunteer

Level 2

Volunteers who have unsupervised contact with students. (Fingerprinting required) ... CLICK HERE TO APPLY

• ALL overnight field trips

• Out-of-county field trips

• Mandated by the school administration

Don't forget...

Follow us on our social media Facebook page! CLICK HERE