students sitting writing

Bay Haven Programs

Gifted Resource 

Bay Haven’s advanced work and gifted program include differentiation through content, process, and product.  It features an integrated curriculum approach which may include:

  • Research presentations

  • Literature projects

  • Enrichment through creative arts

  • Leadership and self-directed learning opportunities

  • Higher level critical and creative thinking processes

  • Advanced activities across curriculum areas

Odyssey of the Mind is an after-school enrichment program available to students.

Reading & Math
One of the big pluses at Bay Haven School of Basics Plus is differentiated instruction and flexible grouping at each grade level. Here at Bay Haven, students who need extra help have the opportunity to work in smaller groups to improve their basic skills. Those students who have been identified for remediation receive targeted skill instruction. All students are taught the same curriculum and take the same tests as their peers.

Bay Haven School of Basics Plus has a strong Art program that correlates to FCAT and the Sunshine State Standards. As part of our program, we encourage individual growth and development. We try to focus on the strengths of each child and believe each child has a unique talent to be nurtured and developed. Both areas of 2D and 3D are explored through a vast array of mediums and materials. Creativity and expression are highlighted as the strengths of our program. Each child is encouraged to be an individual at all times.

Student art displays are an important element in our program. It is essential that children see their work displayed. This instills self-worth and pride.

Bay Haven’s art program emphasizes the individuality of each child. Basic skills and concepts are taught through creative expression. Each grade level explores various mediums, techniques, and processes, as well as develops a rich vocabulary and application in life.

Music at Bay Haven focuses on singing, note reading, playing classroom instruments, listening, body movement, and creating music.  Applications to life are explored through active engagement of music including cultural and other academic connections.  All of these experiences allow for a comprehensive music education that prepares students for middle school music programs and a lifelong appreciation for various musical genres.

Every student will participate in musical activities during a 55 minute weekly class period.  A variety of strategies are used to teach musical standards through the Orff-Schulwerk process and note reading.  The Orff process of listening, singing, playing instruments, body movement, and creating allows students to learn through active participation.  Knowing the importance of language, students will learn how to read music notes and musical symbols while demonstrating their knowledge of instruments.  The students will then transfer their knowledge to the recorder beginning in the 3rd grade.

The learning process allows students to develop at their own pace while providing challenges and meaningful experiences.  The skills learned in music are nurtured and cultivated while growth continues to develop through the years the child attends Bay Haven.  All students will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences during a performance with their classmates every year for parents and guests.

There are special opportunities for the older students in addition to the weekly general music class.  The Bay Haven Chorus is an auditioned group of 4th and 5th-grade students.  The chorus rehearses throughout the year once a week before school.  The chorus performs at school as well as for our community.  Our top 5 singers are also selected to audition for the honorable All-State Elementary Chorus which performs early January in Tampa.

The violin program is offered to interested beginning students on a 1st come 1st serve process.  This is a great opportunity to transfer knowledge and experience playing a string instrument.  The Bay Haven Violin Ensemble is offered for any student with previous violin experience.  These students will rehearse weekly before school to learn and improve their technique while preparing for school and community performances.

Physical Education
Bay Haven's physical education program fosters the concept of life-long health and fitness. We believe physical activity provides opportunities for social interaction with an emphasis on building character and promoting good sportsmanship. All students receive 150 minutes of PE instruction per week.

Spanish is part of the unique curriculum offered at Bay Haven. Spanish is offered once per week to all students. The Spanish language and culture are taught through engaging and conversational activities. Puppets, role-playing, technology, and culture study are all part of the curriculum. Two highlights of the year include the Cultural Fair and Marketplace and Bay Haven Restaurante - our very own Cinco de Mayo celebration involving the whole school!

Parent guide to M.T.S.S. A Multi-Tiered System of Support for families.