Mrs. Amy Archer
Welcome to Garden’s website.
Garden Elementary is an active school with a rich history and tradition of excellence. Established in 1974, nestled on Center Road in the heart of Venice, Garden Elementary School has a neighborhood feel and is referred to as a school family.
Garden Elementary is an “A” rated school as per the Florida Department of Education. Student performance on state assessments indicates that most of our students perform at or above grade level. Our highly qualified and dedicated staff members focus on relationships as they work to accelerate the growth of all students served. State standards are used to drive instructional decisions in all academic areas.
Garden Elementary is a Professional Learning Community. Staff use student performance data to guide decisions to support the acceleration of all students. Teams of teachers work together during weekly collaborative planning time to discuss instructional strategies to best meet the needs of the students they serve. We have a daily WIN block (What Individuals Need) to provide supplemental support to offer extension or remediation.
Garden Gators are Respectful, Responsible and Kind. Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions (PBIS) are incorporated into every aspect of our work.
We invite you to explore our website to learn about the many reasons why it’s GREAT to be a Garden Gator! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our front office at 941-486-2110. We are here and happy to help!
Mrs. Amy Archer
Proud Principal
Phone: (941) 486-2110