Mrs. Kristine Lawrence, Principal
Phone: (941) 480-3371
Email Mrs. Kristine Lawrence
Hello Students, Parents, and Families:
We want to welcome you to Heron Creek Middle School where our Vision is to provide educational excellence in a caring community for all students.
With that in mind, our Mission here at Heron Creek Middle School is to empower students through academic and social learning to be prepared for college and/or careers along with becoming socially responsible adults and life-long learners.
Our mission is a reflection of our everyday goals which support all our students in reaching their academic and social potential. This is accomplished with a strong academic commitment by our Teachers and Staff to provide relevant and rigorous course work aligned to state standards. Instructional strategies are designed to incorporate those standards with supports for every student as they work to make a year’s learning gain or more. Becoming a successful student includes having a sense of inclusion and community. At HCMS we create an environment where all our Students, Parents, and Families are welcome and feel they belong. The HCMS Patriot PRIDE program is aligned to this philosophy and develops socially conscious students providing guidance and support that addresses self-awareness and social responsibility.
Hope to see you all soon and Go Patriots!!!